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Junior Klezmer Orchestra
Alumni Feature: Then and Now

Alexander Levinson
Currently a Student in 5-year program for a double major in cello performance and computer science at Bard College
In a few words, how did your time in the JKO influence you personally and/or professionally?
Klezmer music has positively impacted my life ever since I was a young boy. Today, as a professional cellist, I can accredit much of my love of music being stimulated by having been a part of the Junior Klezmer Orchestra (and continuing to engage with JKO alumni events)! "Younger-me" being a part of JKO was a great experience; not only was it fun, but it taught me how to adapt and improvise on the cello (given that there are usually no formal cello parts in Klezmer music). Our band leaders, Lori or Alex pulled us youngsters together and we played klezmer for public audiences, which was crucial for my musical development.
This experience with JKO still holds an important part in my life as a musician; I now have better improvisation skills and understanding of the klezmer style. Not only did I have no problems joining a klezmer band in college, but the training allowed me to feel more comfortable in Jazz band settings, and even helped me win an audition concerning playing folk music by Béla Bartók. A big thank you to JKO for all they have done for me!