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Community Bands


The Grateful Klez (Temple Sholom, Chicago)

Three synagogues in the Chicagoland area bring in Maxwell Street musicians to lead rehearsals and performances with their own House Klezmer Bands comprised of congregation members.


These grassroots bands perform for Simchat Torah, Hanukkah and Purim celebrations, as well as playing at nursing homes and festivals.


If your congregation is interested in starting its own band, contact us

at or call (847) 675-4800.

In these videos, you will hear a sample of the music our congregational bands perform.

Featured Bands

The Grateful Klez

(Temple Sholom, Chicago, IL)


Heavy Shtetl

(The Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation, Evanston, IL) 

9.26.2021.HS.Simchat.Richard Cahan.JPG

Photo Credit: Richard Cahan

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